Executive Health Q & A

What Is an Executive Health Evaluation?

An executive health evaluation is an efficient and holistic whole body exam designed with the busy professional in mind. This visit should provide a one stop shop to address any and all health concerns held by the patient as well as to provide a full check up of the patient’s health. Dr. Marin performs these exams in the convenience of his patient’s office or home and provides his best advice on how to maintain and improve health, managing any health risks identified during the assessment.

What Kinds of Services Are Included in Executive Health Plans?

Dr. Marin’s executive health services are designed to help busy professionals improve and maintain their health to support peak performance, professionally and personally. The executive health and fitness assessment includes the following services:

1Medical Exam: A physical examination of the major body systems will be carried out. Your medical history will be reviewed along with any family history, health maintenance activity, and social health behaviors.

2Comprehensive lab panel: Samples of blood, urine, and stool will be collected to monitor a wide variety of conditions including but not limited to blood count, kidney function, liver function, blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and prostate cancer.

3Nutritional consultation: The patient will submit a three-day food log which will be reviewed with a nutritionist who will help to set goals around healthy eating.

4Fitness testing: Dr. Marin provides a thorough assessment of body metrics, body composition, resting metabolic rate, and perform cardiopulmonary exercise tests, flexibility tests and strength tests.

Do Patients Need to Prepare in Advance for Executive Health Evaluations?

Dr. Marin will ask that the patient avoids eating or drinking for at least eight hours before the appointment so that the blood tests can reveal the ‘fasting’ results. Fasting results show a more accurate representation of the patient’s body function, as they are not affected by something he or she ate or drank like caffeine or sugar. Also, the patient should be prepared to provide or bring urine and stool samples. The patient will be asked to bring at least a three-day food diary for nutritional consultation.